Are you feeling unsure of where to find the link for our online meetings? Did you register for the meeting event on our website and the confirmation email still did not contain a link?? These are normal and typical responses to those that may not have opened or fully read their most recent edition of...
the ASA Blast - it holds the key: the link!!
It's good online meeting security protocol to NOT have the link listed on our website or Facebook page publicly. Our Facebook page reminds you of how to find the meeting link...
The details of the May monthly meeting event on our website also tell how to obtain the link for the meeting.
The ASA Blast is now sent to more than just our members, so..
How will guests be allowed to join the virtual meeting?
(Hint: the answer is also listed in the ASA Blast..) Guests can email and we always invite them to sign up for an ASA membership through our website so they can be included on all the hot news (and meeting links!) shared in our bi-monthly ASA Blast emails!
ASA members: see your most recent ASA Blast for the link to join our virtual meeting!